Volk, Maximilian

Doctoral Student


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Maximilian Volk obtained his Master's degree in Mechanical Engineering with a focus on lightweight systems and polymer engineering as well as his Bachelor's degree in a joint course at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and the National Institute of Applied Sciences of Lyon. During his studies, he gained work experience at Kärcher in Campinas, Brazil and at Schauenberg GmbH in Kirchzarten, Germany. He was awarded with the Alfred Kärcher GmbH scholarship in 2012 and the Explora' Sup Rhones-Alpes scholarship in 2013. He concluded his studies at the Fraunhofer Ernst-Mach-Institut in Freiburg with a Master's thesis on the load analysis of car body structures under crash loads in a joint project with the BMW Group. At CMASLab, Maximilian is part of the Composite Materials and Processing group and works in the field of pultrusion of thermoplastic composite profiles.

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